cleardot (1K)

This selection of acrylic on wood paintings continues my interest and exploration of working on this surface. Like my program for the August 2007 small papers project, I utilized my present interest in Automatism from a purest's approach. When I started the next painting session, I would go through the previous days work, select the pieces that I thought needed further work. I then set out painting using the "first solution idea" that came to mind. I then executed that move. This process was repeated until there were no more first solution ideas nagging me to continue working on a specific piece. At this moment, I set the piece aside and called in stopped — not completed. In my world on art making, no painting is ever completed. I just stopped working on it because I had no idea to futher its development.

Also like the small paper project for this August, I wanted to eliminate the brush as much as possible. I used various craping/paint-pushing devices including palette knives, taping knives, various widths of plastic paint-trim-guides used as scrapers and cardboard paint pushers. Also used extensively was wax paper or other impregnated papers to use as paint transfer plates (not prints actually, but close). Lots of use of the fingers in transferring the paint from the wax paper transfer sheets. Interesting — by using the body heat in my fingers I could prolong the transfer process of different paint areas on a piece of wax paper. Of course after a certain drying point, the paint was no longer transferable. Then I use these wax papers as part of the collage process in the small paper project.

The August 2007 new woods project is presented on two pages: August 2007 small papers set 01, and set 02.

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