Digital Photography 2009 - Part II
Software: Some design/composition at original camera exposure. Computer manipulation with CorelPhotoPaint X4 and PhotoShop C3. Some elements appropriated from other artists work using images captured from varioius web sites and flat bed scans. Where added appropriate documentation noted.
—an ongoing concept wrapped around ALL THINGS DIGITAL using Computer Manipulated Photo-based Images Creative reprocessing digital images using same intellectual and intuitive processes I use to make my paintings. As with all my work, this project is not finished and on going. Samples below show original exposure compared to re-imaging manipulations. Location 1: In and around Myrtle Beach Hilton Hotel/Myrtle Beach, SC Time: End of January 2009 Images: 954 digital still jpg and tif format; 96 digital video MOV format — no processing of MOV files to date Theme: Documentation of hotel pool and spa areas and relationships to atlantic ocean; deck chairs; pool fixtures; water in pool; excursion down Strand. Location 2: General shoot from automobile; Myrtle Beach, SC to Matthews, NC Theme: Landscape variations; highway variations; small town variations. Location 3: Orlando, Florida; cruise from Cape Canaveral, Florida to Bahamas. Elements used sky and water. WATER TWO was submitted and accepted to a competionion at the Center For Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins, Colorado. November 30, 2009 — Elements of Water The Center for Fine Art Photography is pleased to announce the juror's selections for the exhibition, Elements of Water. NOTE: Links open in new window.
The images were selected by juror, John Paul Caponigro. John Paul is an artist, author, educator, and digital pioneer. John Paul is one of Canon's Explorers of Light and an Epson’s Stylus Pro. He is a contributing editor for Digital Photo Pro and a columnist for PhotoshopUser and John Paul's work has been published widely. Well respected as an authority on creativity and fine digital printing, John Paul teaches both privately in his studio and internationally at prominent workshops in North America. He also lectures frequently at universities, museums, and conferences. In 2002, Zoom Magazine named John Paul one of the 15 best artists of the past 30 years. In 2006, John Paul was inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame.
Selection Awards: Juror'S Honorable Mention – David Novak. click on image to view larger version. WATER TWO, 2009, print size 12"h x 16"w |
Computer Manipulated Photo-based Images July - December 2009. The following two sets of images— top set = original digital images and bottom set = a sellection of re-images based upon the originals.