ARCHIVE: 1974-75 Newman Influence: (drawing, painting, collage) In the fall of 1974, after the house remodel was completed, I returned to Goddard College to teach my final year. I decided to go my way, yada yada, and teach what I wanted. I taught a watercolor class fall 1974 as well as my regular drawing and painting classes. Since I was lame duck, not many students enrolled. Yeah! I was free! So only dedicated students signed up. In my studio I continued to work on the Newmanesque theme; mostly in watercolor (to polish my watercolor techniques for the teaching) and in powdered graphite washes in the drawings (powdered graphite mixed with tirp/oil/lucite/wax). I concentrated on this set of work into the spring of 1975. The color in the graphite wash images is all over the place. For some reason at the time the 35mm color slides were taken, Kodak processed the slides quite badly. The Kodak processing also happened for the second round of shooting these pieces. So I did my best to color correct these bad slides of the graphite wash drawings. The color of lead pencil is very difficult to capture; 35mm color slide or digital photograph. The graphite wash drawing medium consisted of various powdered graphites of varying hardness from 4B to 9H. The powder is then mixed with the medium consisting of Tirp, disolved Lucite #44 (in toluene), and beeswax to make a cold encaustic; no heat required. This material was used as one would use normal paint application. |
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Updated Monday, June 25, 2012