ARCHIVE:  1975-76 Geo to Red-X
(drawing, painting, collage)

The geometric work begun in 1974 gradually morphed into the CT (Cy Twombly) Series. This CT Series was a mish mash of Twombly automatic drawing and Zen, for want of a better analysis. To me there is a tremendous relational structure and feeling in Twombly's use of line and Zen mysticism. This sense of something spoke to me and I had to run with its development.

Throughout 1975 and spring of 1976 my work floated between the CT Series, the Window Series and an occasional interest in the AbLand Series. This work was featured in an exhibit opening in October 1976 at the Terrain Gallery in New York.

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Vermont — 1975-76 Geo to Red-X: Drawing, Painting, Collage.

Code:  #) Title; date; support; media; (=~)size (w x h) [all measurement in inches].
Click on thumbnail to see larger image with image viewer.

1)  CT Series; 1975-76; paper; pencil, charlcoal, eraser; =~28"h.

2)  CT Series; 1975-76; paper; pencil, charlcoal, eraser, nupastel, colored pencil; =~28"h.

3)  CT Series; 1975-76; paper; pencil, charlcoal, eraser, nupastel, colored pencil; =~28"h.

4)  CT Series; 1975-76; paper; pencil, charlcoal, eraser, nupastel, colored pencil; =~28"h.

5)  CT Series; 1975-76; paper; pencil, charlcoal, eraser, nupastel, colored pencil; =~28"h.

6)  CT Series; 1975-76; paper; pencil, charlcoal, eraser, nupastel, colored pencil; =~28"h.

7)  CT Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax; =~18"w x 18"h.

8)  CT Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax; =~18"w x 28"h.

9)  CT Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax; =~22"w x 16"h.

10)  Road Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax; =~22"w x 16"h.

11)  CT Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax; =~16"w x 14"h.

12))  CT Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax; =~16"w x 16"h.

13)  CT + Red-X; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax, red thread; =~28"w x 16"h.

14)  Window Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax;
=~32"w x 14"h.

15)  Window Series; 1975-76; canvas mtd masonite; oil/lucite/
wax; =~12"w x 10"h.

16)  Geo Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax;
=~16"w x 14"h.

17)  Geo Series; 1975-76; linen; oil/lucite/wax, black thread;
=~16"w x 14"h.

18)  Window Series; 1975-76; paper; nupastel, wax crayon, masking tape;
=~11"w x 8.5"h.

19)  Window Series; 1975-76; linen; oil/lucite/wax;
=~16"w x 14"h.

20)  Red-X Series; 1975-76; paper; pencil, charcoal, eraser, colored pencil; =~24"w.

21)  Red-X Series; 1975-76; paper; pencil, charcoal, eraser, colored pencil, nupastel; =~28"w.

22)  Red-X Series; 1975-76; paper; pencil, charcoal, eraser, colored pencil, nupastel; =~24"w.

23)  Red-X Series; 1975-76; paper; pencil, charcoal, eraser, colored pencil, nupastel; =~24"w.

24)  Red-X Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax, colored pencil; =~14"w.

25)  Red-X Series; 1975-76; paper; pencil, conte crayon, colored pencil; =~24"w.

26)  Red-X Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax, colored pencil; =~24"w.

27)  Window Series; 1975-76; linen; oil/lucite/wax, chalk line; =~40"w x 50"h.

28)  Window Series; 1975-76; linen; oil/lucite/wax, chalk line; =~40"w x 50"h.

29)  Red-X Series; 1975-76; linen; oil/lucite/wax, chalk line; =~40"w x 50"h.

30)  Red-X Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax, chalk line; =~42"w x 45"h.

31)  Window Series; 1975-76; canvas; oil/lucite/wax; =~70"w x 80"h.

32)  AbLand Series; 1975-76; linen; oil/lucite/wax; =~13"w.

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Updated   Wednesday, June 27, 2012
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