notes on Pittsfield, MA Figure Drawing 1969-70
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Image 1: Spring 1969 - End of the de Kooning influenced drawing/painting project. Ink drawing of Time Magazine photo of Janice Joplin.
Images 2 - 12: Fall 1969 I was hospitalized for observation covering my first of many kidney stones. My two room mates were a retired teacher being treated for a severe stroke and an elderly gentleman who had minor prostrate surgery, Otto. I decided to make some drawings of these two subjects and did many sketches. Nothing was meant to exist as fully developed self standing art works, but some of them made it to this grade. My intention was to drawing objects in real time and using these drawings as blueprints for paintings in oil and acrylic. Images 13 - 20: Subjects were a combination of drawing directly from a model, from memory, and from being slightly influenced from seeing a show of Claes Oldenberg at the Museum of Art at that time. You will see in future work that some of the everyday object relations, such as light switches and arrows, will become a prime accent in both figure painting and abstract painting. Images 21 - 53: Generous use of the structures created by Francis Bacon, Iowa City drawing -including the demons, and photography -including photos from art magazines, art books, and Time Magazine. The skull drawings, images 30 & 31, used my own photography of primate exhibits in natural history museums. And the Turner Tree pieces, images 37 - 39, were influenced by a trip to the Metropolitan Museum in NYC and completely being taken over by the Turner paintings, drawings, and watercolors. Drawing at this time was intended to be used as both stand alone art work and as blueprints for painting. |