Digital: 1995 - 1996Digital Imaging Overview A little more money brought me into the color arena. I upgraded my hardware and software and got involved in the tricks one can do with it. These images relied less on my core esthetic, expressionism, and more on the technology. However I managed to maintain an open path to a process similar to automatism in adjusting the digital images. I played with the software to create affects.
10) InOut, 1995, dig, 4"h x 4"w |
11) Thrice, 1995, dig, 5"h x 4.96"w |
12) Passage, 1995, dig, 5"h x 4.604"w |
13) InsideOut, 1995, dig, 5"h x 6.667"w |
14) InBoxTwo, 1996, dig, 5"h x 5"w |
15) BoxStructure-Three, 1996, dig, 5"h x 5.183"w |
16) Course, 1996, dig, 5"h x 4.604"w |
17) Feather, 1996, dig, 5"h x 5.556"w |
18) LineBreak, 1996, dig, 5"h x 4.211"w |
19) JahbOne, 1996, dig, 6"h x 4.26"w |
20) Circuit, 1996, dig, 6"h x 4.313"w |
21) Illumine, 1996, dig, 6"h x 4.8"w |
22) JahbTwo, 1996, dig, 6"h x 4.26"w |